Aug. 24th, 2024
Hardship: Families Embrace Charcoal Stoves, Make Stew with Garden Eggs

As Nigeria continues to face the harsh realities of soaring inflation and economic instability, basic food staples that were once common in households, such as beef, tomatoes, and bread, have now become luxury items. In response to these challenging times, families across the country are making significant adjustments to their eating habits and daily lifestyles, reverting to traditional, cost-effective alternatives. Comfort Soberekon, a 47-year-old mother of six from Port Harcourt, exemplifies the struggles many Nigerian families are enduring. With the escalating costs of traditional protein sources like beef and chicken, Comfort has turned to cow skin, known as ponmo, as her family's primary source of protein. What was once a staple dish in her household, tomato stew, has become a rare treat due to the soaring prices of tomatoes, forcing her to create a new dish she calls a "special palm oil sauce," made from peppers, onions, and garden eggs.

Comfort’s story of adaptation is echoed across Nigeria. In Ogun State, food vendors like Mama Amala and Suleiman Ibrahim have also been forced to rethink their business strategies. As the prices of beef and goat meat skyrocket, ponmo has become the preferred choice for many customers, and tomatoes are being replaced by more affordable alternatives like cucumbers and garden eggs. The shift towards charcoal stoves is another telling sign of the economic strain on Nigerian households. As the cost of cooking gas and electricity rises, more people are reverting to charcoal for their cooking needs. This trend, while providing some relief, raises environmental and health concerns. Charcoal stoves contribute to indoor air pollution and deforestation, highlighting the complex trade-offs families must make in these difficult times.

The ongoing inflation has also led to a surge in food prices, with many staples becoming out of reach for average Nigerians. The impact is profound, with many families struggling to maintain a balanced diet. Nutritionists warn that while substitutions like cucumbers for tomatoes and ponmo for beef can help manage costs, they often lack the nutritional value needed for a healthy diet. As Nigeria grapples with these economic challenges, the resilience and adaptability of its people shine through. Despite the hardships, families like Comfort’s continue to find creative ways to nourish their households, making the best of what they have in these trying times.