Sep. 9th, 2024
More Than 50 Killed in Nigeria Fuel Tanker Crash

At least 50 people lost their lives in a tragic accident in central Nigeria's Niger state, after a fuel tanker collided with a lorry carrying passengers and cattle, resulting in a devastating explosion. The Niger State Emergency Management Agency confirmed the accident occurred around 00:30 local time on Sunday (23:30 GMT Saturday), engulfing both vehicles in flames. Abdullahi Baba-arah, the agency's director-general, stated that response teams were immediately dispatched to manage the situation. Several other vehicles were also caught up in the explosion, which spread quickly due to the tanker’s fuel load.

Footage from the scene showed the completely burnt remains of both vehicles, as well as a number of dead cattle that had been on board the lorry. Rescue workers on-site told Reuters that they were in the process of recovering bodies and removing the carcasses of the animals. Hussain Ibrahim, spokesperson for the emergency agency, confirmed to the BBC that funerals for the victims had taken place on Sunday. “We had a mass burial for 52 people yesterday and we have eight people receiving treatment at the hospital,” Ibrahim said. “This without doubt is the worst accident we have recorded in many years.” The Niger state government is covering the medical expenses for those injured in the crash. Governor Umaru Bago expressed his sorrow over the tragedy, offering condolences to the families of the victims.

Fuel tanker accidents and explosions are tragically common in Nigeria, often attributed to the country's deteriorating road conditions.