Sep. 24th, 2024
Telegram to Share User Data with Authorities Amid Legal Requests

The messaging app Telegram has announced it will now provide users' IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities if presented with valid legal requests, such as search warrants. CEO Pavel Durov stated that this policy change is intended to deter criminal activity on the platform. “While 99.999% of Telegram users are not involved in criminal activities, the 0.001% who are create a bad image for the platform, endangering the interests of almost a billion users,” Durov said in a post on Telegram. This marks a shift in stance for Telegram, as the platform and its co-founder, Pavel Durov, have historically resisted government requests for user data. Last month, Durov was detained and later charged by French authorities for allegedly enabling criminal activity, including child abuse and drug trafficking on the platform. Durov has denied the charges and criticized the notion of holding him accountable for third-party crimes committed on Telegram.

The announcement has sparked concern among users, particularly those in countries with repressive regimes. Telegram has been popular in places like Russia, Belarus, and the Middle East due to its reputation as a platform that resists government surveillance. However, many now worry about how this policy change will affect users in such regions.

Cybersecurity experts and critics have long highlighted Telegram's weaker moderation systems compared to other platforms like WhatsApp. While Telegram has taken steps, including using AI to limit the visibility of illegal content, some experts argue that the changes may not fully satisfy legal authorities, particularly in regions like France and Europe, where strict content moderation laws exist. This new policy expands Telegram’s previous stance, which had only allowed information sharing on terrorism-related cases. Telegram’s move raises questions about the platform’s future in protecting user privacy and upholding free speech, particularly for political dissidents. ⚡ ImageCredit: GettyImages