Sep. 12th, 2024
Trump-Harris Debate Sums Up Policy-Light US Election

In a heated face-off on Tuesday night, Kamala Harris entered the presidential debate stage with a clear goal: assert dominance and destabilize Donald Trump. From her opening move—a bold stride across the stage in Philadelphia to demand a handshake—it was evident that Harris wanted to take control. Her confidence and assertiveness stood in stark contrast to her opponent, who is known for dominating debates. Following the debate, political pundits and news networks were quick to analyze Harris's approach, praising her tactics of poking and prodding Trump. Her derisive laughter and personal jabs clearly got under Trump’s skin, leading him to push back angrily—a clear win in the eyes of many viewers. Early polls indicated Harris as the victor, though history has shown debate wins don’t always translate to election-day success.

But while Harris’s performance was effective in rattling Trump, it remained largely surface-level. Her body language, facial expressions, and quick comebacks won the night, but voters have been eager for more concrete answers on policy from both candidates. Despite Trump’s established political persona, voters still want to hear specifics about his future plans. Unfortunately, the debate did little to reveal their visions for the presidency. Harris did touch on her economic proposals, mentioning a $6,000 child tax credit, a $50,000 tax cut for small businesses, and a $25,000 grant for first-time homebuyers. She also criticized Trump’s tariffs for raising consumer prices. However, she sidestepped questions about why the Biden administration has maintained some of Trump’s tariffs, and she didn’t address how she plans to tackle inflation, a pressing concern for many voters. Trump, aiming to paint Harris as a radical left-winger, called her policies "Marxist" but veered off into a discussion about immigration, calling “bad immigration” the biggest threat to the economy. This exchange reflected the broader tone of the debate—plenty of heat, but little illumination on policy. Trump’s attempts to portray Harris as inconsistent were lost as he stumbled on his own points, particularly missing opportunities to emphasize his policy achievements from his first term.

One key moment came when Harris was questioned on her shifting stance on fracking and other issues. She only provided an answer regarding her vote for new fracking leases, leaving the other policy shifts unexplained. Meanwhile, Trump repeatedly returned to immigration, his signature issue, but even on this familiar ground, he failed to offer clear plans for handling illegal immigration. Throughout the 90-minute debate, viewers were left comparing the candidates’ body language, demeanor, and temperament, rather than their policy positions. A standout moment came when Trump, after years of promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act, admitted he still had no plan to replace it, stating only that he had "the concepts of a plan." By the end of the debate, voters were likely left with little more than the "concepts" of what either candidate would do if elected. ⚡ Image Credit: GettyImages